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Detoxification: Rejuvenation of Your Body

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

By Nina Lin

Detoxification and detox diet have been popular topics. However, there are many different diet recommendations and misconceptions. We would like to provide brief introduction about toxin and some useful information about how to refresh our bodies and improve health performance.

How detoxification works in human bodies?

We are naturally equipped with detoxification system!

It is a process to transform toxins to reduce its toxicity and remove from our body. The main organs regulate detoxing process are liver, kidney and GI tract. Human bodies have its own defense system to protect from any potential harmful foods or products we consumed or contacted with. However, when we exposed to too much toxins, our bodies may not able to detoxify all the dangerous substances. Therefore, these toxins may retain and store in fat cells or soft tissues. The accumulation of toxic matters may induce negative impact to our health and develop chronic health disease. This is probably the reason why people are focusing on detox diet.

The sources of toxins

  • Internal sources: lactic acid, urea and waste products from microbes in the gut

-- The end products from metabolism

  • External sources:

-- Pesticides and arsenic in crops

-- Mercury and PCBs in seafood and fish

-- Hormone and antibiotics in livestock

-- Food additives and fillers in processing

-- Films, plastics and liners in packaging

-- Acrylamide, PAHs, microwaved plastics in preparation for foods

Adequate and balanced nutrients intake can be the most efficient way to improve the detoxification process in the metabolism due to maintenance of organs' normal functions. Even though detox diets for specific toxins can be easily found on the internet and in the markets, it still needs more science-based evidences to support the mechanism of removing specific substances from cells or tissues. Decreasing the consumption of processed food is also a beneficial way to avoid toxins.

7 Ways to Support Your Body's Natural Detox

Enhancing our detoxification system
  1. Stay hydrated with clean water

  2. Eat five to nine servings of fruit and vegetables per day

  3. Consume dietary fiber each day from vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains to help maintain bowel regularity

  4. Include cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and Brussels sprouts, berries, artichokes, garlic, onions, leeks and green tea. These support detoxification pathways

  5. Consume adequate amounts of lean protein, which is critical to maintaining optimum levels of glutathione, the body's master detoxification enzyme

  6. Consider taking a multivitamin/multimineral to fill any gaps in a healthy diet, since certain vitamins and minerals enable the body's detoxification processes to function

  7. Eat naturally fermented foods such as kefir, yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut — or take a high-quality probiotic — to help promote a healthy gut

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